July 14, 2014

Floating on blue

 I woke up at 6am with this image in my head.
Sleep was far away, I had to take my drawingpaper, pencils and watercolors.
Here is that image.She floats in a jungle and meanwhile in her body life is growing. Never could imagine what it is to be pregnant. Must be one of the journeys most spectacular in a life!
Although I feel so lucky, there are moments I get scared, not knowing what will happen with this body, how it will react on that crucial moment of birth. I have to trust in this gift, my body and relax above all!

I can enjoy of this wonder all summer long and I hope the little creatures in my womb want to live some months more in the most cosy home of the world!


Maaike Derdyn said...

Zo mooi hoe die twee kleintjes elkaar vasthouden! Zalige tekening, ik voel me zelf bijna terug zwanger als ik ernaar kijk ...

rossichka said...

Enjoy the journey! Swim in the sea of love, relax and think of beautiful and good things... Everything will be O.K.!:))))))))

roberto M. said...

Bellísima ilustración! Te felicito, desde que la vi la puse en pinterest!!!

Martha from ilove2paint said...

Beautiful!! Double blessings for you ♥