Here she is and I guess I can be proud of the result...I'm happy with it...she is totally ZEN :) and she is ready for a new exciting year! Love to all of you and a beautiful Christmas this evening! ♥ Aqui esta mi tarjeta finalmente. Estoy muy contenta con el resultado...ella esta lista por un nuevo año lleno de nuevas aventuras! Feliz Navidad a todos esta noche!!!
These days I'm living in my homecountry, Belgium, with my head in the Peruvian Andes, close to my lovely man and little cat Dalí. I love to draw when it's raining while I'm baking some Irish bread or an English applecrumble...The world in my heart in everything I do!
Thank you for visiting my blog, inspiring me and leaving some feedback...always welcome! **************************** Gracias por tu visita, para compartir inspiración y una vision critical...bienvenidos!!!
Mucha felicidad!
Feliz Navidad y Lindo 2010!!
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