January 31, 2010

One month / Un mes

A picture from exactly one month ago, me and lovely Sofie walking in the huge Brussels forest, south of the capital. The best we could do to end 2009 and start a new year all 4 of us, we and our Peruvian husbands together....

Melancholy / Melancolia

Deep inside, ejoying the coldness of the 'passed days' and dreaming of warm and sunny 'coming days'.... with some Gerbera-leaves to color my dreams

Recordando el frio de los dias pasados y soñando de un futuro caliente y lleno de sol...

January 28, 2010

A new job / Un nuevo trabajo

Since this week I started as freelancer for the Rasa project. Rasa is an organisation that brings art-education to a very young audience. 7 Belgian artists are showing a masterpiece to the children, they will explore a new world with new materials, I'm guiding them trough the exposition and afterwards they can create their own masterpiece in the same room. It's so lovely to do, to guide them, to talk about art with children, to give them a new view on this huge world and the world of art in all of us!
Above you can see work from : Guy Rombouts , Lucie Renneboog and Tinka Pittoors

January 26, 2010

Delicious hours / Horas ricas

Coming home after a new day full of marvellous experiences I really wanted to cook something very delicious for my also hardworking husband. Cooking is a kind of destressing for me, yin and yang, zen and so many more...creating with other materials, I love it and he loves me :)

January 25, 2010

Sales / Remate

If there is something that makes me mad...then it must be this time of 'sales'...still some days to go. It's a kind of braintwister for every soul...it gives us the feeling we have to, although we can't or we don't want it! This is what made me happy yesterday! 1 euro, shiny, pink and just soooo ready for Spring I am now!

January 24, 2010

Dreams / Sueños

So many dreams for this new year...let's make reality of them!

Tantos sueños para este año nuevo. Es tiempo para empezar a realizarlos!

January 23, 2010

Without end / Sin fin

Most of the time I start a drawing and finish it also directly...this one is an example that I never will finish. Something doensn't fit and I cannot find the inspiration to finish it...and will not touch it again, not very soon...may'be never again :), but thought it was honest to share it with you!

January 21, 2010

Animated kids / Niños animados

After I tried it by myself it's finally time to check it out with the kids on school. The puppets are ready and we tried our first animations together.
For the result we need some more lessons, but when it's finished I will show it here and of course on my other blog : El dibujo del niño, where I put the results of my weekly sessions on school, have fun watching them, comments are very welcome overthere.

January 20, 2010

Arrived / Llegado

They arrived!!! Some samples from the postcards that are made of my drawing for the Boomerang-contest. These cards will be spread over pubs, restaurants and public places where peoples can pick them away just for free. Everybody can send his creation and hope to be selected by the Boomerang - team. If so, then it depends of the votes on your image...the most voted image is the winning card! I was the winner in december 2009 with this image! Happy to receive finally the result so now just let's keep our eyes open to find one or many more out there and pick it away if you like it!:) Give me a sign if you find one! (Only in Belgium )

De kaartjes zijn er! Gisteren een pakketje opgestuurd gekregen! Mooi geprint en wel een fijn gevoel dat mijn tekening nu weidverspreid zal worden over het land!
Iedereen kan zijn creatie insturen en iedereen kan winnen als je genoeg stemmen krijgt! Dankzij al die stemmen maak ik nu een vreugdedansje!!! Merci dus aan iedereen voor elke stem!
Hopelijk komen ze naar jullie zelf toe of bots je op een mooie dag op mijn kaart!
Dat is dan de ultieme beloning!

January 18, 2010

It's over...

It's all finished for this year...time to put the decoration another 11 months upstairs and to search a nice place in the garden for the tree, nooooo, he is not loosing like this drawed one...just in my imagination...:)

Making of...a little drawing

January 16, 2010

January 13, 2010

Be my guest in the museum !

Received some pictures taken a while ago when I was guiding in a wonderful museum in Antwerp : Plantin Moretus. This was the house of the first printmakers in the world! Their books are spread over the wide world! I'm grateful to be part of the team there! What a spirit! Everyone who visit one day Antwerp has to see this with his/her own eyes!

January 11, 2010

'Lap'-Walk / La caminata del 'Lap'

This is only a small experiment...a result of our 'lazy' sunday :)...Thanks to my Javi on who I always can count for the editing of the little videos. Don't search a huge story behind this movements of this little puppet, we are learning to animate some cut-outs...and the most important thing is that we have fun with it, lots of fun!
In dutch we call the northern tribes of europe, the Sami : Lappen...therefore my title...the walk of the sami, just sounds short and good in dutch, enjoy the 'Lap'-walk.

Sólo un pequeño experimento. El resultado de nuestro domingo...Gracias a mi Javi que me ayuda siempre a hacer estos videos. No esperes encontrar un cuento en esta animacion, estamos aprendiendo nomas a animar unos simples papelitos...lo mas importante es que disfrutamos mucho de crear todo esto, demasiado mucho!
Un 'Lap' en Neerlandes es una persona del norte de Europa...los ultimos aborigines ahí. Se llaman 'Sami' originalmente, pero 'Lap' suena bueno para mi, disfrutalo!

January 10, 2010

Experimental sunday

Trying again some stop-motion and preparing myself for the next lessons on wednesday and saturday with my little students....or...another way to live a lazy sunday :)

Hoy dia hemos intentado hacer otra vez más un stop-motion. Como preparacion para mis lecciones de la proxima semana pero tambien para divertirnos un poco este 'domongo'! :)

January 7, 2010


I discoverd my Tajine that was hidden in the basement. Some day a friend gave it to me as a gift because she never used it...so It was stored very savely but since some weeks finally it got my attention. I just tried a recipe out of Oriental Basics (paperback ▪ Cornelia Schinharl ▪ The House of Books ▪ 2005) and after the second preparation of it I'm sure that this Tajine wouldn't get the change to disapear again in the basement! It's sooooo tasty and incredible delicious!

January 6, 2010


Still some cards are travelling around the world to their destination and for every card there is waiting another home. My friend Laura from Spain sended me this picture! Olimpia Jr. is showing us her private card :)
I love it to see my work in other homes over the world and I hope they can bring the emotion I feel when I'm making it!
Graicas amiga!!!
It's the perfect picture for this cat-blog!

January 4, 2010

Perforated / Perforado

My weekly session of needles...since one month. Lucky I am that they can bring life again in my sleeping leftside of my body. A horrible feeling that's dying finally...

January 3, 2010

Snowy Love

The end of the vacation here in Belgium for all the kids. Time to say hello to school again tomorrow...but not without the creation of the last snowman of this vacation. I remember many vacations in my youth without any snow...so the cilds of today can be very very happy with it...but rather they choose hanging in front of the television or playing brainless games on the pc... Oh right, I am the one that's getting old :)

January 2, 2010

Party's are over...

After to much food and drinks I feel myself like a whale...only the sofa can bring me joy and a home made lemon-eucalyptus-green- tea can give me some power...to watch a movie on tv...happy to start 2010 but still not totally ready for it, having the partyblues.

January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! / Feliz Año Nuevo!

It's freezing outside and warm inside, the new year started with some sunshine...so let's hope this year will bring so many more then the year before and that was already quite wonderful! It feels such great to have the opportunity to make kind of a new start...I'm ready for it and I hope for you the same! So many wishes for everyone! Let's live 2010!