February 24, 2010


When he can catch a magazine or book about architecture or building cosy houses then he do so, to dream away in the future, to give time a certain perspective...while enjoying some tasty beers on this moment...a sweet one for today made of cherry's.


Sylvie Van Hulle said...

jaaaa ik herkem em, je ventje ;-)
Heel knap getekend, alweer.
Leuk idee van die huisjes die uit het boek komen!

Jess said...

I love the way you've drawn this with the houses popping up out of the book! :)

Debbie Clandening said...

Very nice illustration. I love the idea of dreaming too.

Indigene said...

This is what happens when you couple great imagination and talent! This is soooo cool!

Nicola said...

Wow, how cool!!! Love the tones you have used great piece!