July 25, 2011

They draw and travel

My contribution for the contest of the sister site of They Draw and Cook ------>They Draw and travel. Since ages I wanted to draw the homeland of my husband with all those treasures...and still I didn't putted them all on it...but it's the beginning may'be of more maps ;)
You can leave a comment for my drawing on their website and take a look to all the other illustrated maps!

July 18, 2011


The view out of our room in Barcelona, linda Barcelona!
We came all the way down trough Paris, the central part of France and crossed the border to Spain until this city. The second time we were here but still not enough for me :)
Now it's time to go, to travel more and back to the north. Again through France but now the more western part...mmmm! Here we come!

July 10, 2011


If you were wondering where I was hanging out or what I was drawing in the meanwhile? Here is the answer. My Peruvian parents-in-law arrived to Belgium last week and I was very busy showing them this little piece of Europe. Every day is a new adventure and also for me it's a kind of experience seeiing my country through their eyes. We are heaving a briljant time together but I can't get myself to my drawingtable these days. After this first week Belgium, time to discover more of Europe! VAMOS!