August 29, 2011

Klapdorp - workshop

Dit was de tweede Klapdorp-workshop georganiseerd op het jaarlijkse straatfeest hier in Sint-Pauwels. Ook met deze kinderen wou ik eens t-shirts drukken d.m.v. sjablonen...en dat lukte aardig. Ik had heel jonge deelnemertjes en die vonden het eigenlijke drukgedeelte met inkt het allerleukste. Ik kreeg zelfs een boel ouders in beweging!
Dat smaakt alleen naar meer en nog en beter ;)
This was the second workshop I organised on our yearly 'streetparty' in the village where I live. I wanted to give it a try to print shirts like I do sometimes in the museum and the results are stunning! There were a bunch of very young children (2-3 years old) and they loved the 'ink-part' of the workshop more then anything else. Also I could move a dozen of parents working with their kids.
It tastes so good, I want more of this and even better :)


roberto M. said...

Kathy, te felicito!!!
Tu sabes que nosotros vivimos en una pequeña villa serrana desde hace casi 7 años, vinimos escapando de la gran ciudad. y una de las ideas que teníamos, mi esposa y yo (ella es profesora de artes visuales) era hacer esto que tú muestras, con los niños de nuestra villa (aproximadamente 300 habitantes) pero aquí es muy difícil, la indiferencia de los padres hace que tú finalmente decidas no hacer nada.

Te felicito nuevamente!!!!!!
buena semana!!!!

rossichka said...

Wonderful! I can feel the atmosphere - the inspiration, concentration and excitement have given a result! I suppose you were satisfied!:) It's so thrilling (and a very important sign about the effect of the workshop) when adults get involved, too! Usually without intending or noticing...

Kathy De Wit said...

@Rossichka and Roberto : Thank you so much for your support day and night. The kids were excited indeed and very happy with the results and the adults too! I know thats a good sign. Roberto I know how it feels. In Peru I wanted to start something there too but that isn't done in one needs a lot of preparation and also prepare the parents even more then the kids. Hard indeed...but when I go back I will give it a try!!! ;)
Don't give up!