February 21, 2012

Last week Lolly Pop-up Store and flu-times

 It looks like ages that I came onto my blog but I was so busy with giving workshops, teaching, participating in different little projects that I forgot myself, my mind and my body. So there was some damage, I needed again an operation on my big toe and I really hope this was the last time my nail choosed to grow a little bit different then normal. Looks like he wanted to be creative too but after months of pain again the doctor teached him a lesson! Anyway...meanwhile I started recuperating of this little surgery a huge flu turned me into a worthless kid. Even worthless kids can paint! :) I finished this morning these 4 new brooches to bring them to the Lolly Pop-up Store in Antwerp! Damas y caballeros!!! 
The LAST days of the pop-up store are here! Go and get something unique, handmade and lovely!
All info you can get on their Facebook page. You have untill SATURDAY the 25th of february...yes THIS saturday! 
Dreaming of drawing something on a piece of paper. Let's draw a flu! :)


roberto M. said...

Hola Kathy, realmente se te extraña!
OK espero que mejores tu salud, y que tu dedo se arregle!
bien, yo puedo decirte que yo he tenido que trabajar muchas veces en cama con gripe, los editores no entienden que uno es un ser humano que también se enferma.
pero también he aprovechado muchas veces esos días de reposo después de la enfermedad para hacer pequeñas acuarelas aunque estuviera en cama.
Te deseo que estés bien y envio un abrazo para Javi y Dalí!
PS: ¿has notado qué molestas son estas nuevas palabras de verificación que Blogger nos ha impuesto? Hagamos algo!!!

Jess said...

I love these and I hope you're feeling much better. I think I shall draw a flu, that's a very good idea as I'm not well at the moment!
Jess xx