April 20, 2012


Months are flying away...and I hardly can take a paper to just sit down and DRAW! 
I'm still taking time to reload and inspire myself with new ideas. I just thought I could start again with new energy and just now my grandfather started balancing between life and dead due to a horrible disease. This is pushing me with my back to the wall and obligated me to reflect about thousands of things in my life. 
The sadness is huge but what could help me better then ART! 
The first image is a picture of a postcard from the work of a Belgian painter, Gustave Van de Woestyne. His work always attracted me and these days more then ever.
I rediscovered his work in the Museum of Arts in Gent while there was the exhibition about Ford Madox Brown. I love his work and above all ' The last of England', it's a whole story in one painting and it's even today very actual. And of course, once these masters were little too, like my little niece...and I love it to see her painting although she colours those Disney-things. :)  I turn back for now...I need some time to go trough all the painfull moments but the next post is for sure a drawing of my hand, I promise you! x


roberto M. said...

Hola Kathy, lamento tanto lo que leí acerca de tu abuelo.
Es la vida, yo no sirvo mucho para decir palabras alentadoras en momentos difíciles, pero yo he pasado por todos los mismos momentos, con mis padres y con los padres de mi esposa, y finalmente me di cuenta que la vida es así, una rueda que gira y llega un momento en que los protagonistas somos nosotros.
Tú eres muy joven, y tienes mucha fuerza.
El arte será un buen refugio, tus seres queridos,también, obviamente, y hasta Dalí, seguramente.
Te envío un fuerte abrazo, tan fuerte como para que llegue a Bélgica!!!!
Un beso, y fuerza!

rossichka said...

Dear Kathy,
As we grow older, life matters become more and more serious, they concern us, demand our position, reactions, decisions... We are not children anymore to be taken care of... Now we are those that must take care of the ones we love... Death (loss) is the most painful aspect of life for me. It's inevitable. That's why we must be good to each other and show our love!
Take your break, take a breath...xx