February 28, 2011
February 27, 2011
Tableau Vivant

Featured in San Francisco

So lucky to know that far away on the other side of the globe my bookmark found a lovely home to spend his life in Tania's books.
If you don't know yet the jewels of Tania Cavenecia Torres, go ahead and discover Peruvian treasures made by herself! I'm so proud about her work and I hope you will found something for yourself too in her shop!
GRACIAS amiguita!
***Visit Tania's BLOG & SHOP! ***
February 21, 2011
Bright Knights

February 20, 2011
Origami - life
A very small stop-motion to check out the possbilities of Windows live Moviemaker. It's just basic, very easy to use and nothing more special, ...and for me the software is on the second place, playing and creating is just so much fun! When I was 9 I was folding billions of papers everyday...that was my Origami-age! :)
February 18, 2011
The view

This is too crazy for words. Valentina, my 'el dibujo del gato'-doll, born on the 14th of april, last monday...will start the weekend with two brilliant green eyes. Finally I could find some time to paint them with glasspaint and it's amazing what kind of vibration this gives to a piece of clay. Also I started to give her hair on my own invented way. That's for later, when I finished all of that. I'm still modelling her eyes...she cannot start drying yet...although I can't wait to polish the head and go on with the body, her hands and some other magic thing :)
Don't have so much time to draw right now!
Valentina wants to live and I have to help her!
If you could show her something on this world where would you take her to? Tell me!
[Nl] Dit moet wellicht mijn tweede passie zijn na tekenen. Poppen modelleren!
Valentina, geboren op 14 februari, dus afgelopen maandag zal het weekend starten met glasheldere groene ogen. Zo gek, wat een beetje verf kan doen op een bolletje klei. Daar doe ik het voor. Het lijkt een écht leven bijna dat ik schonk aan dit hompje!
Of ben ik té enthousiast? Ondertussen vond ik een manier om haar een waanzinnige haardos te geven...dat is stof voor later :)
Nog even en dan kan het hoofd drogen, kan ik het polijsten en doorgaan met de andere delen, zoals handen, lichaam en nog een beetje magie!
Nu heb ik amper tijd om te tekenen. Valentina wacht om het leven binnen te wandelen en deze wereld te zien!
Als jij haar zou kunnen gidsen op deze wereldbol, waarheen zou je haar meenemen? Wat moet ze zeker gezien hebben met die waanzinnige kijkers van haar? Vertel!
February 17, 2011
Featured in Slovenia

February 14, 2011
Valentina is born!

Now she can start growing every day. Hope that I can give her a view on the world very soon. I'm so excited about her arrival...exactly on this day!
She is still so young but want to wish everyone a very happy Valentine's day!!!
[She will grow into the next weeks but I'm trying to keep her inside until she will enter the big world in april 2011 on my exhibition.]
Watch her birth on these polaroids!

En dan nog wel eentje van papier en klei. Wat een gevoel!
Vanaf nu zal ze elke dag een beetje groeien en ik hoop haar heel spoedig een stel wondermooie ogen te geven zodat ze eindelijk kan zien waar ze opgroeien zal. Ook al is ze nog zo pril, ze wil jullie allemaal een hele warme Valentijn wensen!!!
[Ik probeer haar de volgende weken binnenshuis te houden tot wanneer ik ze zal voorstellen aan het grote publiek op de opening van mijn tentoonstelling begin april 2011]
boven : geboorte van Valentina
February 13, 2011
Dalí & his Tote bag

The TOTE BAG by Jitesh Patel.
A spectacular collection of different designed tote bags by all kind of illustrators from over the world!
The book is wrapped into a funny designed tote bag by Gemma Correll and Dalí is showing you how comfortable and cool he looks into his bag. He loves it too!
A spectacular collection of different designed tote bags by all kind of illustrators from over the world!
The book is wrapped into a funny designed tote bag by Gemma Correll and Dalí is showing you how comfortable and cool he looks into his bag. He loves it too!
February 8, 2011
El mundo del Gato

It's quite strange to see how the drawing mind can change over days, months and years. I feel ready to show them in real life for public.
Never saw them all together as they all got a life on one specific day on this blog. A selection of aprox. 50 drawings will be exposed in April 2011.
I'll keep you informed!
[Nl] Dit is een kleine selectie van tekeningen die ik maakte in de laatste 2 jaar.
Het is soms bevreemdend te zien hoe een tekenende geest verandert na verloop van tijd. Het moment is gekomen om ze eens in levende lijve voor te stellen aan een publiek. Ik zag ze zelf nog nooit samen aangezien elke tekening een leven kreeg op een welbepaalde dag van deze blog. Een selectie van ongeveer 50 tekeningen zal tentoongesteld worden in April 2011.
Ik hou jullie op de hoogte!
February 7, 2011

Have a crazy coconut - week!
Mix two eggs with 180gr of sugar and add like 200gr rasped coconut...make little mountains and bake for 15 min on 180°c! mmmmmm!
February 2, 2011
Exchanging friendship

I loved them on first sight! Not only because they are handmade by Tania but even more for the new friendship we share since some weeks and that's based more exactly on our shared passion for Perú. She is half Peruvian, I imagine every day that I am Peruvian but lucky I am to be married with a Peruvian and to have also my family there, who I miss so much. Tania and I can share a lot...and the most beautiful are the things we create. So we arranged an exchange of our art. And I can tell you, that feels so inspiring! My package is flying over the globe and things like that make me feel living for real...
For more Peruvian related jewelry, VISIT the Etsy-shop of Tania
*Gracias amiga*
February 1, 2011
Mark your book!

The first product for my upcoming shop is born!
This one is based on the drawing I did for They Draw & Cook and serves especially in all kinds of delicious cooking bibles. It's so fun to think of the package, the presentation, printing, cutting and all the details.
The first one is flying to Tania Cavenecia Torres in California, USA.
She is an artist and jewelry designer that is influenced by her Peruvian heritage and she loved this drawing.
Thanks to her my products are growing...I'm working on it and hope to open very soon my Etsy-shop.

Printed on Montvalle Aquarelle by Canson 310g/m² (textured paper)
18,3 cm x 6,9 cm, with rounded corners on one side and a dark red ribbon on the other side
For any comments, questions or wishes write me on kat@kathydewit.be
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