February 28, 2010
Surviving / Sobrevivir

Dadme el silencio, el agua, la esperanza.
Acudid a mis venas a mi boca.
February 26, 2010

February 25, 2010
FrouFrou ! Cucu!!!

Finally, ready for springtime with my new cut. Last year I tried a hairdresser, bad try, so today i tried another one here in the small village where I'm living. And guess what, just perfect, a very good service, very friendly hairdressers with time to listen to all my wishes...and yes I'm happy!
It feels fresh, new, reborn...I'm ready for the sun and some new dresses very soon!
February 24, 2010
February 23, 2010
February 22, 2010

It was a lovely afternoon having the visit of Sylvie at home. She is a very talented painter and full of knowledge about this life. Watch her website and blog! We enjoyed our cups of tea, the ginger-applecake I made and most of all the afternoon chat that made our day. Thanks Sylvie! This is for you! :) Hope you like it? Both they look full of future plans, no?! :)))
Eso es para ti :) Espero que te gusta! Las dos chicas parecen lleno de planes por el futuro, no? :)
February 20, 2010
February 18, 2010
February 17, 2010
Healing / Curación

The best way to find back your healthy body is following nature. Again I realised myself that all the things I buyed in pharmacy didn't changed a note in my healing proces. Lemons, herbs and other spices like salt! brought me back to reality life...I feel still very lucky and I go spitting in the new book 'Grow your own drugs' from James Wong! About natural remedies and beauty threats!!! Goodnight folks! Don't forget some lavender underneath your pillow! ;)
February 16, 2010
Back again with a plate of CEVICHE!!!

I recovered almost from my painly throat. After my last drawing it went down and still deeper then I could think. Horrible days I passed now...and since yesterday I am recovering. Again I realise how lucky we are when the 'body-machine' is working like she has to do...but oooooo when it goes wrong! I suffered enough now...I'm turning back but slowly! to real life and because it's vacation here in B. I will keep the activity these days low. drawing is my first priority, visiting and leaving with friends the second one and other things can wait...
I'm hungry now of drawing this recipe for the funny site of Tom : Recipe Look.
Everyone can do it. I just sended mine...
and now back to the sofa and take a rest
Welcome back to me and everyone!!!
February 10, 2010
February 9, 2010
Muddy / Lodoso
February 8, 2010
February 7, 2010
Time to take a breath
If someone was wondering why I didn't put anymore drawings these last two days. First : I really couldn't find the time to relax and draw and second : My energy has took a flight with me and since yesterday I'm feeling very sick. It can be some kind of flue but I think rather that I was eating something wrong. So let's give time to my body to fight against the monsters inside...I'm preparing gallons of tea with lemon and I believe that tomorrow will be much better if I take some rest...meanwhile my lovely man made this experiment with camera movements and typographical elements in it...he is my energy!
February 4, 2010
Animated kids 2 / Niños animados 2
They made their own animation movie, my little artists :) and they were happy with it!
Don't search a huge plot or a very thrilling story...it's right from the heart, pure, clean and the idea of the children! :)
February 3, 2010

February 2, 2010
Lunch-bird / Ave del almuerzo

February 1, 2010
Out of Argentina

Disfrutalo Andrea! Love Kathy!