January 27, 2012

Thinking, dreaming, drawing...living

oooohhh...here I am. After some very busy weeks and finishing projects. Busy times aren't over yet but there is a little bit more air to breath more easily...and not to many thrilling deadline moments. One is waiting for next friday...the opening of anoter exhibition of my work meanwhile my new products are selling very well in the Lolly Pop-up store in Antwerp (more about that in the following days). 
The brooches are LOVED and I'm receiving so nice support from many people. That keeps me growing and going in what means LIFE for me! Creating every day something that touches me and hopefully so many other souls.
I want to wish all of my readers a sunny weekend with nice things to happen! Hear you!

January 22, 2012

The giant letterbook : FINISHED!

 Remember some months ago? When I started cutting linoleum for this project
Almost 30 lino-plates later the book is ready!!! I will didn't count my tears while binding this book.
Recently I'm following a course about bookbinding and all the related things, but binding a book of this size (A3) isn't even a command in the first year of the course. So I illustrated the text of Barbara Vanden Eynde and finished the prints as one enormous book. The book will be used in a guided tour for toddlers and it has even the size of a toddler. Hope they will love it!!!
Funny detail : 3 more books like this to finish :) Wish me luck!

January 21, 2012

Eldibujodelgato in Antwerp!

 And finally the LOLLY POP-UP STORE opened his doors friday evening! 
Such a warm feeling to be a part of this happening together with more then 40 other designers.
(Play to win a goodiebag on the Lolly Pop-up store Facebookpage!)
I had the most busy week of this still very young year.
 Preparing all the new brooches, bookmarks, postcards and prints for this shop was only one of the deadlines I had to counter but lucky I am I could bring each one to a very nice end.
Enjoy the new product-pics I made for my Etsy-shop of the bookmarks. At this moment the brooches are all for sale in the store in Antwerp. I decided to make every one of them 100% unique and I will never copy one. I go on with the tradition to give them a Quechua-name with a special meaning. Every cat with his/her own view and caracter...my little boys and girls! Glad to sell them in this wonderful little store, although little...but full of the most different and refreshing designs and nice things. If you are close pop in some hours!!! That's what you will need! Next friday another post about the designers in the store!
And a huge thanks to An and Heidi who had a dream someday and made a reality of it today!
We can be all so proud to be part of that dream!

January 11, 2012

Soon in Antwerp!

Ik stoom dezer dagen alle creaties klaar die ik wil meenemen naar de Lolly Pop-up Shop in Antwerpen!
De shop zal openen op vrijdagavond 20 januari en er zal werk te zien en te kopen zijn van meer dan 25 Belgische ontwerpers die tevens allemaal een Etsy-shop op het net openhouden. Ik ben zo fier dat ik eentje van hen mag zijn! Samen zullen wij de shop openhouden tot 25 februari. Iedereen is natuurlijk van harte welkom. De broches zijn ondertussen de oven gepasseerd en maken zich volledig op voor te vertrekken naar hartje Antwerpen! Ik hoop je daar te zien!
Mijn broches verschenen in Weekend Knack (boven) én op de online versie:
Zo fijn!

I'm finishing these days all the products I want to take with me to the Lolly Pop-up Shop in Antwerp!
The shop will be opened on the 20th of January and will show handmade stuff made in Belgium by more then 25 designers who also sell their work on Etsy. I'm so proud to be one of them! All together we will keep this little shop full of treasuries open to the public until the 25th of february! You are so welcome! The brooches passed the oven, time to paint and bring them to the place to be! Hope to meet some of you overthere ofcourse!

January 8, 2012

Back into 'play'-mode

 It was a very nice time ending 2011 and entering the brand new 2012. Like I told your before we entered the new year on a isle of Holland, named Texel. It hurted so much going back to the mainland...and after that driving three hours back to the south, to our home. Sitting on that boat was my farewell to a well deserved fourdays-trip where we found rest and could breath again after busy weeks of work. So, all those memories are living in our hearts and luckily in my sketchbook...and time has come to look forward to so many new adventures. I was preparing the base of so many new brooches I will paint this week.  There is coming closer a very nice event for me and 24 other designers of handmade creations.
Tell you more about it a next post! ;)

January 3, 2012


So happy! My brand new brooches were featured on Irene's Imaginative Bloom, an extraordinary place on the web,  like she writes herself : The seeding place for craftive people with a genuine taste for handwork and art's production. Already more then a year this site is into my favourites! And now Irene picked also my brooches up to publish together with other incredible creatures! 

Go and lose yourself in a very good sense! x

January 2, 2012

To much for one heart

 A little tribute to my love, my husband, my photographer, my everything. 
Gracias amor para todo tu apoyo siempre en cualquier lado del mundo.
Una vez más...Feliz Cumpleaño mi amor!
And above a special shot for everyone we know and love and will keep loving in 2012!

January 1, 2012

Happy dream number 2012!

Especially made for all of you to wish you a very happy new year and so many good and nice new adventures for 2012. This picture is made on beach 'Paal 17'on the Isle of Texel (The Netherlands) at 11:20 pm on 31th of December with some help of the moon, my little headlight and of course the best photographer in the world :)
Enjoy some snapshots from our last day in 2011, with a magic beginning at breakfast, whimsical houses in Oosterend and a crazy cat, sleepy beaches,  the birth of a calf home where we stayed with Klaas and Riet Tjepkema and an enormous delicious end in Restaurant 'De Luwte' in the little capital of the Isle, Den Burg