July 30, 2010

Coloured :)

Drawing : Adolie Day

I coloured mine...and you? Spread the word, colour, send and win ;)) Just for fun!

July 29, 2010

Party - poster

The end of august we are having our own street-party here! Already the third year! It started with some drinks and a little bit animation for all the kids of our street. This year we will have a huge BBQ, two bands will play, a neighbour will present our street-beer (homebrewed) and I will give a workshop for everyone who want to joy. We will make an exposition with it in the afternoon and party the whole day long! :) This poster is hanging from now on hanging on all the windows...funny!

July 28, 2010

Colouring Day's

Drawing : Adolie Day

Some posts ago I told you by the contest of La Marelle. You can download 4 different drawings of Illustrators, you colour it, send it back to La Marelle and may'be you can win a colouring book of your favorite illustrator together with colouring pencils. Loved the idea...and so, we are colouring the picture of Adolie Day. May'be I told it 100 times before : I am crazy of her work and it is so funny to colour her drawing! Download your drawing and start it to enjoy also!

July 26, 2010


A try-out with some illustrations on pillows. I would love to have them this way...hopefully very soon thanks to Envelop.eu
What do you think of them? And would you lay your head down on it? ;)

July 24, 2010

Mi Salvador!

It's not the first time I post a pic of a cat on this blog. It's the blog of a 'Kat(hy)', a girl that cannot imagine a life without a creature like this close to her side. It doens't has to turn out to a photo-blog, but this one I really wanted to share with you! My new angel, brand new and smelling sooooo fresh to 'cat'...(I love that)....may I present you : DALÍ
I was always fascinated by the person of Salvador Dalí, I'm not a very huge fan of his works but his signatures always enchanted me...and not only his one. The ´ on the I is the noise of my little monster. It sounds sweet and let's hope I can learn him drawing and painting, and one day he will be even more famous then is brother Salvador!

July 22, 2010

He arrived!

How many months I was dreaming again of having a cat. 'El dibujo del gato', without being inspired by these incredible inspiring creatures. Wietske is living with my parents since I went to the other side of the world to start a new life. When I came back, she was so happy to live with them that it looked horrible to take her again away from the place she was used by then. So after more then two years alone, without any 'moustache' close to me, finally I can make a little dance of hapiness. It's a boy with a white nose and toes...Only two days he is living here with us and he is already our god! Just one problem : his name! I thought about MAYO, just sounds sweet but many friends refer to the sauce on the french fries..., my husband likes MICHI, like they call cats in Peru, michimichimichi...but that sounds so inpersonal to me, he should have a name that suites him perfect, but it has to sound in spanish too! Some names I found on the net that could work: MAGO , MANTO, MAU. What should I choose? Or is Mayo just right? ;) Or do you have still another nice name for this lovely man of me! Help me! :)

July 20, 2010

Colouring for all ages by La Marelle

Do you want to colour again a very nice drawing like you did as a child? Or do you have a little creature that wants to colour one of these four drawings made by French illustrators. Everybody is welcome! After discovering the wonderfull colouring books you can buy from La Marelle I found this news through the website of one of my favourite illustrators, Adolie Day. So, if you want to win a book like this and a box of colour pencils, go for it;). Here you can find all the info!

July 19, 2010


Dreaming of a little shop with prints, cards, buttons and so many more. The dream is the start of everything. These are two prints on Montval Aquarelle paper by Canson. The colors are so brighten and pure. Ready to prepare more!

July 17, 2010


Just bought a new book, love the cardboard-cover and made it more personal...more Gato, more Kathy....ready to live it!

July 16, 2010

Thirsty dream

The Incas lived upon fields of gold...and I want to drink a glass of Golden Kola. I always thought the color isn't a good sign of what's in it...but after some research I guess it's much healtier then his big brother Coca. I'm living for a while on a fridge of gold with this bottle in it!;) sooo tasty!

July 15, 2010

Arroz con leche

For all the fans of cooking and more special for everyone who never tasted it before!!! THIS ONE YOU HAVE TO TRY!
The recipe I always use you can find in the wonderful cooking-bible : 'El arte de la cocina Peruana' by Tony Custer. In this book you can find the typical recipes of the greatest chefs from Perú! And for everyone who still didn't knew: The Peruvian kitchen is really INCREDIBLE!
Here is the recipe so you can start right now!
You will need:
1 cup of rice / taza de arroz / tas rijst
5 cups of water / tazas de agua / tassen water
1 piece of cinnamon / palito de canelo / kaneelstokje
2 cloves / clavos de olor / kruidnagel
1 canned evaporated milk / lata de leche evaporada / blik geëvaporeerde melk
1 canned condensed milk / lata de leche condensada / blik gecondenseerde melk
10-12 or like you want raisins / pasas / rozijnen
1 egg / huevo / ei
half cup of Porto wine / vindo de oporto / Porto
4 spoons of sugar / cds. de azucar / lepels suiker
salt / sal / zout
Recipe :
You have to wash the rice very well, so that the water is clean and pure in the end.
Boil the water with the cinnamon and the cloves. When it boiles you can add the rice, cover it and cook it very slow like 30 minutes until all the water is absorbed. Then you can add the evaporated milk, mix well. When it cooks again, you will add the condensed milk and the raisins. Cook it for another 10 minutes while you move the spoon into it and the whole thing will become thicker. Take it off from the heat and put the yolk of the egg, half of the Port wine, a very little bit salt and mix well. Boil the other part of Port wine together with the sugar until you will get a thick syrup. Beat up the egg-white and mix carefully with the syrup. After this you will mix this meringue with the rice-mix. Before serving you can add some cinnamon-powder to make it even more delicious then it already is!!!!
Receta Arroz con Leche :
Lavar muy bien el arroz en un colador bajo agua fría corriente, hasta que el agua salga cristalina.
Poner el agua en una olla, agregar el palito de canela y los clavos de olor. Hervir. Cuando el líquido se haya absorbido, alrededor de 30 min.
Añadir la leche evaporada y remover. Cuando la mezcla esté hirviendo nuevamente, agregar la leche condensada y las pasas. Cocinar por 10 min. , removiendo, hasta que la mezcla espese. Retirar del calor y agregar la yema de huevo, 1/4 de taza de vino de oporto y la pizca de sal.
Calientar el 1/4 de taza de vino de oporto restante y el azúcar juntos en una olla pequeña de fondo grueso, hasta formar el almíbar.
Batir la clara a punto de nieve, suavemente añadir el almíbar con movimientos envolventes y luego agregar este merengue dulce al budín de arroz.
Decorar con canela en polvo.
Buen provechooooo!
Recept 'Peruaanse rijstpap' :
Spoel de rijst onder koud stromend water tot wanneer het water helder ziet. Kook het water in een grote pot, voeg het kaneelstokje en de kruidnagels toe. Als het water kookt dan voeg je de rijst eraan toe en dek je het geheel af om op een laag vuur ongeveer 30 min te koken tot wanneer alle vocht is opgenomen door de rijst. Voeg de geëvaporeerde melk toe en meng goed. Als het geheel opnieuw kookt voeg dan de gecondenseerde melk toe en de rozijnen. Kook nog een 10-tal minuten, constant roeren tot wanneer de massa dikt.
Haal van het vuur en voeg de eierdooier toe, de helft van de Porto en een snuifje zout, meng goed. Verwarm de andere helft van de Porto met de suiker en kook tot wanneer er zich een dikke stroop vormt. Meng dit voorzichting door het opgeklopte eiwit en voeg dit toe aan de rijst. Meng heel goed en serveer de rijstpap met kaneelpoeder of kaneelstokje.
And feel free to let me know how it tasted!;)

July 14, 2010


Here is Oli. He is still growing. I'm following the book of Ana Paula Rimoli to make this Amigurumi. Its the art of crocheting small animals. Just found her little book in the library and I was too curious to bring it back without trying something out of it. Well, once you start you cannot stop...so I does feel it. I'm discovering the art of making them and for sure there are so many ways to go on with these...but thanks to Ana to introduce me to this woven world. Just perfect to do on a bright summerday! I want to try another one after this and then I want to put them together on a plain to my nieces Claudia and Milene in Perú! Hope they will feed them in time, and share all their love with it!;)

July 13, 2010

Belgcian cities #1

Thinking of spending my vacation-time in my own country that I know so well...while thinking of destinations I still want to discover...and knowing that there is no take-off in the next months to some kind of those places I'm dreaming of, I've got the idea to make some portraits of famous Belgian cities.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first is called 'Brugge' or Bruges in english. Today I was there enjoying some coffees, some art, strolling around with a good friend and her daughter and trying to see still more then I knew before. Trying to get the point why soooo many tourists from all over the globe wants to see this little medieval city. It's impressive. I still love this city, but not that much. It's not my most prefered one for sure! This is the first I made, may'be because it is also the most famous one, even more famous then Brussels, the capital. Time for Gato-geography ;) May'be you can feel like travelling a while trough Belgium...just from in your chair. Enjoy!

July 12, 2010


A little try on the Wacom Pentablet... love it!!! And so this can be a preview of my way of writing...;)

July 9, 2010

La Route

Summertime is finally time to discover more new theatres on so many festivals spread over Europe. Like this group Anonima Teatro out of France with their roadshow La Route. Energy and humor with some little dolls on the 'rolling' road. Everything is hidden in their car, even the colourful background that helps telling their story. May'be they will cross your pad one day...enjoy summer...or winter on the southern part of the world;)

July 6, 2010

'When the turtle dies...

...the whole world will die'. Something I found on the net when I was searching for an answer on what happened to my two turtles last sunday. I came home and found both of them without movement and open eyes in the warm water. I don't have to tell what a shock it brought to my little heart...last days were very strange, lonely and gave me an empty feeling. After one day we burried them in a little box somewhere on a quiet spot in the garden. I felt broken...because their lives mean also a huge part of my life. I tried to do my best to give them a comfortable life after receiving them as a gift from my brother so many years ago. I always loved turtles...but when I look back now, I now very well that these animals aren't to be sold in shops...just like so many other species. We, humans, think we can care about everything in this world...but we cannot have those huge hands as nature itself, I guess. Pinta & Baltra, named after two isles of the Galapagos Archipel, will live forever in my memories...I had such nice moments with them...like the drawing wants to tell...touching Baltra's head was one of his favourite rituals...will miss them!

July 5, 2010

The cat & the birds

With some Ikea-fabric I made some summer-pillows for the chairs outside. And of course, every work I create has to be checked and tested by a cat! Toulouse looked very comfortable! ;)

July 4, 2010

The Barren Carrousel

On a yearly family-festival here in the little town where I live...I was surprised by the act of these two Irish ladies, Anita and Kelsey, who perform as Ruby Barren and Tulip.The Barren Carrousel brings a stunning show in full color and nice accent ;), with marvellous suits...and freaky stunts. Two very charming and little ladies out from Belfast made my day! Thank you!

July 2, 2010

More presents...

After my lovely watercolours I have now my own laptop...very usefull in my lessons and so much more. I can sit down in the garden finally and do my thing in the world of the bytes.
Such a nice time, vacation ....no? Feels like Christmas with all my presents ! :) Gracias amor!

July 1, 2010


1st of July, the start of two months vacation overhere... for all the kids and their teachers. Lucky I am to be a teacher...and to have the privilige to have so much time the next two months to do all those things I dream of since many time. This was the first day, really too hot and tomorrow will be even worser believing the forecast. I'm hoping for rain. :) Just a short and heavy shower, to dance some minutes outside and then the sun can shine again with all her force!
Have a nice summertime!