September 30, 2009

Chestnut soup / Sopa de castañas

Finally I made my most beloved soup!!! And she was soooooo delicious...but a little bit heavy !
Let the winter come!

Al final preparé mi sopa de castañas! Y estaba muy rica...pero un poco fuerte!
El invierno ya puede llegar!

Materials : Watercolour, pencils and white ink

September 28, 2009

State coach / Carroza

A pumkin-fantasy...drawed in bed while thinking of sleeping like a queen while riding in this state coach and waking up on a misty morning. And so the night passed very fast!
It has something ...Amish

Una fantasia de calabazas. Dibuje en mi cama mientras pensó de dormir como una reina en una carroza...levantandome en una mañana neblado. Asi la noche se pasó múy rapido!

Materials : Pencil, black and white ink, watercolour, photoshop-clouds

September 26, 2009

My room / Mi cuarto

I'm a little bit reorganizing my drawingroom...after a summer that I spend far away of this place it became a mess in the last month here again. So, time has come to put things in order and I created a small 'reading'corner in my little lovely room. Above all I love the light that's making the colors even more 'gold' in the early morning...
Estoy reorganizando mi cuarto...despues un verano de no estar aqui este cuarto se ha convertido en un basural. Ahora, es tiempo para poner todo de nuevo en orden y asi tenia la idea para crear un lugar donde puedo leer todo mis libros que tengo. Sobre todo me encanta la luz de la mañana que entra mi cuarto muy temprano. Parece que da un brillo de oro a todo los colores!

September 25, 2009

Wrong pattern...

Click on image to enlarge
She was so sad, she choosed another pattern some weeks ago, and now the dress was totally finished...

Materials : black ink, watercolour, pencil and scrapbook paper

September 23, 2009

Teaching... / Enseñar...

Wednesday is teaching-day for me. We had a nice afternoon while watching 'exotic fruits' and drawing parts of them on black paper with oil pastels. The childrens really liked the colors but making something very small much bigger...doesn't seem so easy :)

Miercoles es mi día de dar lecciones. Tuvimos una tarde muy bonita mientras mirabamos frutas exoticas y tratando de dibujar las frutas sobre papel negro y coloreando con crayolas. A los niños les gusto los colores realmente pero dibujar algo pequeño en un formato mas grande no les parecía tan facil :)
Take a look at :

September 22, 2009


If I could be sure that this white carpet in the Andes is ...infinite!

Si podría estar segura que esta manta blanca en los Andes es ...infinita!

September 21, 2009

Happy autumn/ Feliz otoño !

This morning I cycled in the fields close to where I grew up, and found this treasure of autumn-fruits. These chestnuts will make a transformation in some days to a super-delicious soup! One year ago I was to late to search and recollect them, I took my chance and I look forward to cooking them!

Está mañana recogí estas riquisimas castañas en el pueblo donde viví cuando era niña. Las usaré para cocinar una rica sopa en algunos dias. Hace un año estaba muy tarde para ir a recogerlas, ahora muy temprano...pero feliz estoy con mi tesoro!

September 19, 2009

Rememberings / Recuerdos

It's almost one month that we returned out from Perú. I'm missing the family and so much more and so the only thing I can do right here is making or creating beautiful things to forget the pain I feel in some moments.... One day in Cajamarca (the north of Perú) I bought these textiles. Just by cutting the edges and making them more rough I have now my own typical Peruvian coasters.

Es hace casi un mes desde que regresamos de Perú. Extrañamos a la familia y mucho más. Una forma para hacer la vida un poquito mas dulce y olvidar la tristeza, es crear cositas bonitas. Un día he comprado en Cajamarca estas telas. Solo he cortado los bordes y asi he creado un particular posavasos.

September 18, 2009

Pumpkin-days / Dias de calabaza

It's a beautiful day, the sun is all around and the air is 27 degrees looks like summer but a lot of little things are telling us that autumn is coming closer and closer. Just bought this little pumpkins and those earrings I made some days ago while dreaming of the tasty fruits that autumn will bring us very soon! Lovely day...nice weekend to all of you!

Hoy es un día maravilloso. El sol brilla fuerte y nos calienta hasta 27 grados. Parece verano todavía pero un montón de señales nos dicen que el otoño esta muy cerca. Recién compré estas calabazas e hice estos aretes hace algunos dias mientras soñaba con las riquisimas frutas que el otoño nos va a traerá! Un dia perfecto...feliz fin de semana a todos!

September 16, 2009

El trio de Los Andes

Just for the fun I painted these three jewels...may'be I will paint away the letters...don't know, I'm searching my way and it feels just fine!

September 15, 2009

Missing him... again / Le extrañ nuevo

Inspired on a drawing I made in November 2008 I tried to paint on this wooden pendant... I bought some of them in Lima and I want to make more experiments with it. Let's see if it will survive the heath of my oven :)...

Inspirada por un dibujo que hice el año pasado en noviembre.
Estoy tratando de dar color a esta cosita con pintura para ceramica, voy a poner al horno, viva el experimento, a ver si sobrevive a mi plan! :)

September 14, 2009

A home for the jewels / Una casa para las joyas

Saved from her 'rubbish-life', I gave her today a new meaning...
She will embrace all my new jewels I am creating now

Salvado de una vida como 'basura', le he dado hoy dia un nuevo destino...
Ella va a cuidar mis nuevas joyas que estoy haciendo

September 13, 2009

'La Joyeria del gato' / 'The jewels of the cat' ...

Although weekends are times to visit friends or family, I couldn't resist to use my spare home-time to paint more earrings and beads...Finally bought good 'porcelain' paint and baking the polymer clay twice doesn't seem to bring troubles. I'm happy with these ones, it's a beginning of something new for me, but I feel that it touch me and I can find a big pleasure in it while creating them. Tell me how you like them ...

Aunque el fin de semana es un tiempo para visitar amigos o familiares, yo he usado cualquier minuto para pintar mas arretes y piedritas...He comprado una pintura especial que tengo que hornear también al igual que la arcilla que uso, y no puedo esperar para experimentar y buscar la mejor forma de trabajar con estos materiales. Estoy feliz con con el resultado pero esto es sólo el inicio de una experiencia nueva para mí. Me da una satisfacción muy grande y me encanta crear estas joyas. Cuéntame cómo te gustan ...

September 11, 2009


The first trials...time to buy new acrylics and start seriously...
It feels very nice to work again with polymer clay and doing it just in another way so many years later. It tastes very very good and better results I will have soon!
Materials : 2 self-made pendants on a page of the book ' Orbis Terrarium'

September 10, 2009

Working on...jewellery / Hacer joyeria

As I did in my teenagers-days, making jewellery of polymer clay (Fimo) but this time I dream of something ...more. These are ready to bake and then the painting can begin.
How wonderful is life if you can find the time to do that things you dreamed of since decades!
My time has come!

Hacer joyeria como cuando estaba niña, de polymer clay o Fimo. Pero esta vez quiero crear mi propia colección . Ahora estos estan listos para hornear y luego pintar.
Que linda es la vida si encuentras tiempo para lo que has soñado hacer.
El momento ha llegado!

Materials : Polymer clay (Fimo) & metal pendants.

September 9, 2009

Strong / Fuerte

A drawing for my story that has to become a book...'one day'. Just have to find the right publisher!
It's all going about an old woman called Blackbirdie and she lives her whole life in the shadow without any sparkle of sunlight. One day a couple of jackdaws will change her life forever...
Materials : Acrylics on paper and pencils

September 8, 2009

My first / Mi primer : Bonsai

Never had a bonsai-tree but finally here is growing one. He is already tree years old, let's see how many more years I can enjoy him.
Materials : Watercolour/ Aquarel, collage, white ink

September 2, 2009

Magnify / Augmentar

If plants could speak to us.
Someday, she will become a huge eucalyptus tree but for now she is stucked still in a baby-plant.
Material : Aquarel, pencils and 1 Eucalyptus leave

September 1, 2009

1st of September, a new start / un nuevo empiezo

I'm BACK...from Peru, back into my Belgian rythm...after exactly one week today. The first schoolday for millions of childrens here.
It took me some days to fight back on a huge jetlag...still he is playing with my body and mind but it seems to become all normal again. My blog suffered a little bit as I couldn't post my last days in Peru and the first days here again.
Let this drawing be a new start after a huge vacation that I needed very urgently!
It feels very good to start with a new spirit. I'm curious for all the other you are doiing. I visit your place very soon and I hope to meet you here again very soon!
x kathy