That forest. Very close to where we live in this country full of people and houses, streets, cars, industry and all the things that makes us the middle of all those things lays my forest, close to the border with the Netherlands. I took one picture today while my short visit on this warm and very sunny sunday.
This is it. With a phrase I found through Pinterest on '
I can read' ( wonderfull place to hang around!) and a little teepee that reminds me of wild-camping and vacation in all kind of countries where I needed courage, where I found happiness. On the moment I took this picture...I felt happy. To be there, to see this view and still I don't believe this is Belgium. I felt happy because I thought a while I was in a Polish forest close to the border with Russia and it lies just some 5 minutes from our house :)
Have a wonderfull week full of courage and happiness!