October 30, 2010


My little Ginkgo-tree inspired me for this drawing. All the leaves coloured yellow...and soon they will fall down...and die. She enjoys the last days of october...and smells already HER month!
November! :)

October 28, 2010

Covers and reading

Just finished ' The terrible privacy of Maxwell Sim' (De afschuwelijke eenzaamheid van Maxwell Sim) by Jonathan Coe. In a late night show I saw him talking about this new book and it attracted me so much as it goes about THIS time, full of digital communications/friendship/relations. Love this style of writing! And between all the reading I made a little cover for a mini-agenda...just some doodle with Ikea-fabrics :)

October 25, 2010

Flowers for girls

Making some 'paper'-jewels for my far-away-nieces in Perú. This is the start and I have exactly two weeks to finish them. I will come back with pics from these ones ;)

October 21, 2010

Medieval Dalí

A kind of medieval shopsign/namesign for our own future house somewhere on this planet.
So lets call this the beginning of the construction :))
Making signs like this is a new workshop in the Plantin-Moretus museum...inspired on the brand new exhibition "Jan Moretus I" with such inspiring documents of ages ago! If you are close, jump into it, if not, visit the site of the museum HERE.

October 20, 2010

Gato mail-art

After soooo many years I started playing with papers and cards and designed this mail-art. This one is going to Carolyn in South Africa. My first visit to that country ...transformed in a card :)

Making mail-art is the best solution to survive the dark evenings that are making our days so sad by times.
I'm excited to throw it into the world...here you go sweety...fly!

October 19, 2010

Fruits de mer

I love seafood...their textures, forms, colors and also the incredible fresh taste.
Such wonderful creatures but I love them ...to eat.
I'm so sorry dear crab, you were delicious and you will live happily ever afer...in my tummy :(

October 18, 2010

Sunny sunday in France

Some 300 km from where I live...so very close is this little town of Le Tréport. Great feeling to have the possibility of being one day in Normandy and eating the best fish in the world! We took my parents with us for a birthday gift-day on the French coast and all four of us were so happy on the end of the day...just ...a perfect day!

October 12, 2010

Mail-art with kids

I'm very busy to find for every kid in the two academies where I'm teaching a good address. I'm taking them into the world of Mail-art. They prepared a postcard with their self-made stamp and a design on the other side about the house where they are living...their place. The mail-artist who will receive the card will add his/her house/place onto the card and send them back to the kid. So I can start planning a little international expo with all the results of this mini-project.
I'm sure of one thing, the kids are loving it and some cards already arrived somewhere on this planet and those artists are loving it too already!!! Only fun and happy people over the globe!

THANKS to all my IUOMA - friends, The international union of mail-artists
Sinds twee weken ben ik druk bezig met de organisatie van een mini-project op de twee academies waar ik lesgeef. Ik heb de leerlingen meegesleurd in een nieuwe wereld...deze van de mail-art of Kunst per post. Zij hebben hun kaart klaargestoomd met een afbeelding/collage/ reliëf van hun huis/omgeving en de bedoeling is dat de mail-art kunstenaars verspreid over deze bol een verbeelding maken van hun omgeving/woonplaats en deze kaart dan terugsturen naar de kinderen. Beide partijen zijn voorlopig razend enthousiast over dit hele heen-en weer gepost...zegels plakken, onbekende adressen in verre landen...zo spannend!
We wachten af vol ongeduld!

October 10, 2010

I draw and cook

Thought it is interesting to show the different steps of the proces to illustrate this recipe.
Just sended it to theydrawandcook.com....and hoping they will like it.
If I think of rice and corn...mmmm...then I cannot wait anymore!
By the way, illustrating recipes brings so much FUN!

And in some minutes I've made this bookmark for my excellent Peruvian cooking book :
El arte de la cocina Peruana by Tony Custer.
And indeed, bookmarks too are so fun to create...mmm :)

October 7, 2010


Bought these little birds from lamali.com. They are made in Nepal, out of paper and stiched together. These babes will make my autumn singing all day long in front of the window.

October 6, 2010

Drawing and cooking

In one click you will discover 'They Draw and Cook'...a briljant site than invites every painter/illustrator or drawer to give a recipe an attractive image/new life/ a new original look. The perfect combination for lovers of drawing and cooking at the same time...like me!
I'm still working on it, so in some days the result of the basic recipe for Peruvian rice...with corn!

October 4, 2010

Da Vinci, Dalí & Me

Don't blame me! I just had fun watching the image in a childrens' book of art and I started drawing 'Lady with an Ermine' of Leonardo Da Vinci. A work from around 1490. Immediately I saw myself in it with my little Dalí. Everyday we are looking in this position to the garden, the birds, the bees and so many more moving material out there! :) But I guess I had to think about us because Dalí, my cat, looks like an ermine on his age of only 5 months now ;)

And in the end I am so surprised that Da Vinci gave this Lady such big hands! Incredible they are. Nonetheless...a nice piece! Thanks Mr. Da Vinci for your inspiration!

October 3, 2010

Beneath the Dangerous Beauty

After discovering a fairytale-mushroom in the forest on a sunday walk I got the idea to transform him in a mushroom-girl. Don't ask me why.
She looks very pretty but be careful with ladies like her :)
The mushroom is better known as the Fly Agaric (eng), Vliegenzwam (nl) or Matamoscas (esp), is toxic but still not too dangerous as other can be!
Here some pics from our little mushroom-journey in the forest.
Hope you had a crazy peaceful sunday too!

(Photos : Javier Huerta Pedreros )