April 26, 2011

French inspiration

Some days like GOD in France. Four hours driving from our home but yet enough to pick up another atmosphere and new inspiration to go on drawing and living. Many tastes! Rapeseed-fields, little strong coffees, old wooden cities, fresh milk from the farmers who offered us some hectares for our small stitched house, chocolate easter-bunnies for breakfast, limon pie in the afternoon and the smell of fresh water with frogs croaking around. Only 4 days in a lifetime...but enough to give me energy for centuries!
x Kathy

*** The music you can hear while watching the pics is from Gustavo Santaolalla : an Argentinan composer famous for his soundtracks from The Motorcycle Diaries, Babel and more. I saw him performing last year here in Ghent...and truly a very honest person drived by an enormous passion for sound and the 'Charango'!
He is an absolutely genius and while camping in the field, listening to his music I could cry from happiness ♥


Mirna Photography said...

Waaw Kathy, prachtige foto's! Zoveel sfeer en gevoel dat je in die foto's hebt neergelegd! Ik geloof best dat het heel inspirerend en verrijkend moet geweest zijn!

rossichka said...

Looks interesting and beautiful, sounds exciting... What a nice trip you've made! Thanks for the sparkles of your energy that reached me!:) J'adore la France!...

Škorčica said...

Wow, such beautiful trip-impressions! :)

Rossichka said it so well - you're spreading your energy to all of us!