March 12, 2010

Snow Monkey

Last evening I was watching a documentary about all kinds of monkeys. On one particular moment while I was drawing something else the voice was telling me of the Snow Monkeys or Japanese Macaques. I couldn't draw anymore for some minutes...and my television was asking me to watch this scenery. I never saw this before. The monkeys are sitting in a thermal spring with fog everywhere because of the difference in temperature between the water and the air, a difference of 60°c....!!! Only the monkeys who are placed on a good social level in the group can enter the water, others can freeze sometimes till dead. Not only that fact, but the way the lucky ones are enjoying the warm water is just an unforgettable image...I was sooo touched...and tried to make some touching image inspired on this incredible animal.

Watch this video and you will be touched as well!


d'Ank said...

Wat een sfeer! En je muziekkeuze maakt het allemaal nog wat mysterieuzer...
Om naar te blijven kijken.
Goed op dreef.

Sylvie Van Hulle said...

Knappe illustratie. Het valt me op dat je nu ook een achtergrond tekent.
Prachtige video ook, heel knappe beelden. Bedankt om dit te delen.

Unknown said...

Schuif op, ik kom erbij! ;)