September 28, 2010

Home Grown-Gato-Grapes

So proud to present you this bowl of little wonders made by nature. The first time I can eat my own grapes...small they are but sweet enough to make me happy and...hopefully they bring me back to the same old Kathy without any flue.

Sorry that my posts are coming lately, I'm resourcing myself, thinking about how to survive the coming winter ;)...organizing all my dreams and ideas.
Looking forward to sunday to find some peaceful moments of drawing.

Don't forget the little cat ;)

September 27, 2010

Alcedo atthis

This little bird made my day! Home in the house where I grew up, my parents and me could catch a glimpse of this incredible beautiful bird!
I shouted LOOK THERE!
On a bridge in the garden he showed himself like two seconds and disappeared as fast as he came. Never saw the Kingfisher so close, in real live and between houses!!! Thank you little beauty!

Here his name in some languages...
English : Kingfisher
Latin : Alcedo Atthis
Dutch : Ijsvogel
Spanish : Martín Pescador
Do you know him in your language? Tell me ;)

September 20, 2010

The autumn-journal

I found the first autumn-coloured leave on my path and it inspired me to make this ordinary Hema-journal more attractive. A new journal to keep my lessons in...and to scribble around my thoughts and ideas about it.

September 19, 2010


Received today!
This postcard from the Canadian Kiera Panell.
I'm sooo happy cause it arrived on the perfect moment. Since more then a year I signed up on the International Union of Mail artists...and I realize that I still didn' t took any action in it although I love this kind of art-making!!! Anyone who wants to try this, join in this community and start creating and sending around the world!
Kiera,thank you to remember me finally that time has come! You can expect something my dear! :)

September 17, 2010

September 16, 2010


Yesterday we had a buttontime on school...and this one I made as a test with the buttonmachine. The buttonworld is just great to enter...and the kids liked it a lot to made their own one!

September 12, 2010

September 11, 2010

Another Birthday :)

Both of my parents are celebrating their birthday in september...and more exactly on the 10th and 11th. On the 10th also they welcomed two years ago their first grandchild, Liese. So, last weekend was full of partytime and delicious meals. This drawing I made some time ago for a friend in Madrid, but I played around with it, added some background...and finished it as a birthday card for my dad, because he also is a cat-lover-man! :)

September 8, 2010

The Wall

Finally started to decorate my blue wall in the living room with all kind of photos, drawings and Peruvian souvenirs...every little thing with his own story...Just a first try...can become much better...but let's give it some time :)

September 5, 2010


I'm just in love with this month! The last energy of the summer is floading into my little garden...I was in search of little stories and look...what's happening between the leaves. And of course, our Dalí is growing like crazy...just a brave little monster!

September 3, 2010

Blackberry hostage

Looks cruel, but it's just an outing of my fascination for all kind of berries that I adore!
It's my season right NOW! Go looking for the wild ones and EAT all of them!

September 1, 2010


Back to school after two months of vacation! It felt very good and the ink sounded smooth! There we go again!!! You can follow trough the images on El dibujo del niño, the blog I keep to post results of my classes.